Law Firm & Corporation Divorce Consultant
Help Reduce Stress and Frustration for Your Clients and Your Legal Team.

A Certified Coach Serves as a Concierge for Your Divorce Client
Life after divorce can feel like a whole new world. Perhaps your client is feeling loneliness or emptiness. She may have anxiety over what the future holds or is wondering what she needs to do to begin the process of rebuilding her life. Maybe she is stuck in unhealthy patterns of behavior and thought.
Click Below for a Message from Coach Lisa
- Is your law firm team struggling with stress and frustration from divorce clients?
- Is your law firm located outside Los Angeles and Ventura Counties?
- Have you considered a new approach to offloading and delegating your divorce client's stress to a concierge coaching service?
WO40 Coaching can help!
No matter where your client is in her divorce journey, WO40 Coaching will help her achieve focus and confidence as she moves forward.
As a divorce lawyer, think about one of your most recent divorce client intakes. The prospective client opens up the dialogue flooding with emotion or offers up his/her divorce story “firehose” style. Do you notice how your body reacts to the client’s story of pain and trauma? Many of us are numb to it since we have been handling new client meetings for so long. Are you equipped? More importantly, did you sign up for anything other than giving legal advice?
Working with divorce clients and their trauma expose attorneys to vicarious trauma. You were initially called to the profession after realizing you had advocacy, logic, and communication skills that could be utilized to guide and help clients. Fast forward and you’ve likely discovered that your day consists of having your mirror neurons hijacked by traumatized clients who are in therapy or averse to it. Either way, the client remains in trauma and the lizard brain is activated. You are catapulted into the de facto therapist role. You are a first responder without training or consent.
Consider a New Approach: Enlist the Services of a Divorce Coach for all Stages of Divorce
Invite a Certified Divorce Coach® into the initial consultation. The coach is the “missing piece of the puzzle.” The certified coach is trained to deal with the firehose. You shouldn’t have to. It’s not part of your training. In fact, it’s detrimental for you. It drains your battery.
In my own practice, I have served as a “quarterback” by enlisting therapists and financial professionals into my legal team on behalf of the clients because it truly does take a village. If you’ve tried this, you might have experienced pushback from clients who say they have “tried therapy” or will “look into this referral” but ultimately reject the offer for help because “it’s too expensive” in addition to the legal fees.
Coaches are trained to tackle the emotional barriers blocking the clients from being able to navigate the process. We have specific tools and methods that we employ to guide clients past any meltdowns. Coaches are uniquely situated to work with the client to become a credible client who is empowered to make decisions. The Coach can help the client understand the importance of making decisions.
When the client is in the divorce transition and recovery phase, your client can be supported to transition to a new career, visualize and implement goals, and begin new relationships. In short, the Divorce Coach is an essential part of your team. Having the Coach benefits your firm and your client and can offer a “win-win” situation. You will be able to take the stress off you and your team and do the right thing for your client.
A CDC certified Coach has taken a minimum of 60 hours, abides by a code of ethics, is mandated to complete continuing education, and has undergone mentor and peer coaching. Moreover, the certified Coach is well-trained to not cross professional boundaries. Distinctions between therapists and Coaches have been taught by a licensed therapist. Many modules of coaching training are presented by licensed professionals including attorneys and therapists. As a thirty-year practicing attorney and Certified Family Law Specialist (certified by the State Bar of CA, Bd. of Legal Specialization), I use my intuition to lead, inspire, and transform clients who feel lonely and suffer needlessly during and after their divorce to move past fear and live their best lives.